Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Can not stand people that talk down/over others. Self-righteous assertion rather than reasoned dialog. Christmas ...A time of greed and condescension.
Need to rest and recover, another year is on its way and that means ...well with it or don't; What can I say?

I DO, like Christmas until I have to deal with others. The lights, decorations, entertainment, and sentimental nostalgia; love all that stuff. BUT ...then real life interferes and well, you know how that goes.

Monday, September 10, 2018

On Trump

Personally I despise the man. I am well aware of his tactics in real estate and other business dealings.
However much you may share this sentiment is beside the point.
He is:

And ... You should thank him.
He has shown you the truth of DC, stripped of its genteel veneer.
That's all I have to say for now.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Non-ownership of property

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and that use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State."
US Senate Resolution #62, April 1933.

Found this in my drafts section, can't remember why I stared it or where it was going.
So...anyways here it is in its utter in-completion.

By the By....

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Remember when everyone was crazy about blogs? They were constantly posting the most inane things online, in what was almost a constant stream of consciousness.
Now its all shifted to smartphone social media.
But.... I was never that interested in sharing my thoughts in the first place.